Sunday, May 31, 2009

My cousin's sportsfest

運動会(Undoukai) - in English means sports festival. Elementary and High schools in Japan usually held their undoukai in the autumn. My cousin is currently in her last year in Elementary school, so she insisted for me to go to her undoukai and watch her performance. Though, It's not my first time to attend such event here in Japan, I am a bit hesitated to go because the festival starts so early, since I don't have work on that day I usually wake up late. Early morning, the day of undoukai though still in bed, I am aware about the preparations my family is doing. Japanese undoukai is like a family gathering too, you can bring a tent in school and have a picnic while the festival is on going. Around 10 am I receive a woke up call from my aunt asking me to come to the school and have my lunch in there. I was just in time for my cousins performance when I came to the school. I took a video of her performance after that I joined my aunt and her husband in their tent to eat and for some small talks. We continued to watch the festival's activities until it's over.
Here's my cousin's performance, sorry, its a bit shaky, blame it on my umbrella.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sakae "The heart of Nagoya"

The place where I live is way far from Nagoya it takes me an hour via train to reach it, every once or twice a month me and my friend find some time to chill out in Sakae, the best place in Nagoya. Usually, my friend and I go there for shopping, dine out or even for a coffe break. Located less than 2 kilometers east of Nagoya station, Sakae's famous landmarks include the Nagoya TV Tower, which is considered the oldest in Japan, the futuristic looking Oasis 21 complex which has a uniquely designed roof called "Water spaceship". Sakae offers a large array of shopping, entertainment and dining opportunities, including various department stores. Furthermore, Sakae has an underground shopping area called Central Park that conveniently links to the subway lines. At its center is Kurisutaru Hiroba (Crystal Plaza), the plaza's trademark chandelier and fountain, a mecca for rendezvousing where throngs of people pass each night. Nagoya Sakae is a wonderful place for shopping as well as night out. The district is flooded with visitors pouring in from the neighboring districts and is never caught without any activity. Below are pictures of some of the places to see in Sakae.
The Nagoya TV tower is transmitter tower built in Nagoya at 1953. The height of tower is 180m. This tower is the first built in Japan all the TV transmitter

Oasis 21 accommodates Nagoya's highway bus terminal and several shops and restaurants. Various events are held on the "Milky Way Square", the public space below the building's intriguing "Water Spaceship" roof.

A shopping centre opened in March 2005 with a ferris wheel in front. On the 2/F, it has Nagoya's version of a ramen museum, free admission.
The Sakaechika crystal square (at the underground shopping center)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Golden Week and Swine Flu

Golden Week in Japan, like many Japanese who spent their holiday abroad rather travelling across Japan, I spent my holiday in Hongkong and a couple of days in my hometown, Philippines. So far the busiest holiday I had. When I left Japan, I had a slight fever, but shouganai ne, everything's fixed and I don't want to mess things up. The day after I came to the Philippines, together with my family we flew to HK for our 4 days holiday. First, we visited HK Disneyland but the weather was not so good for me to appreciate it that much but I enjoy Disneys shows especially Lion King. I haven't been to TDR yet but my friends told me it's way far better than HKD. But soon I'll pay a visit. Next day we had a city tour, and at night we had a cruise tour, for us to enjoy the famous symphony of lights. I had so much fun in this tour. 3rd day is Ocean adventure and last day off course shopping. After my HK trip, I spent my remaining 5 days in the Philippines, every day I have different gigs, we went to 100 Islands and spent 2 days in the island. It was memorable for me. For dinner my grandmother served a grilled squid, we ate so much I guess on that night, so the morning I woke up my stomach is aching. I was like back and forth to the toilet, so I realized that it was just diarrhea, my sister was also in the same situation as I am at that moment. I was trying to stabilize my condition so I can join my family for an island hopping but the pain really gets me, I come to the point of vomiting, it was the first time for me to experienced such things. I refused to join my family for our island hopping and insisted to just stay, my sister joined them. I lay on bed, started to get chills and kept on vomiting. Our driver stayed so he can look after me, he was so worried, he kept on sending text messages on my aunt, detailing my condition. Since, the area is secluded with no establishments around, finding a drugstore is really difficult. My family really tried hard to find a store so they can buy medicine. When my family came back after their island hopping my grandmother immediately assist me in taking the medicine. I was surprised to know that my sister was also experiencing the same thing, she even collapsed and can't even stand on her own, my uncle just carry her on to the boat and until the house. In a short time I started to feel better. Since my sister is prone to sickness, despite the medicine her condition was unchangeable. Going back home, my sisters condition got worsed. As we get closer to our house we decided to take her in to the hospital. Me and my grandmother accompanied my sister to the Emergency room, the doctors decided to confine her to the hospital due to a severe diarrhea. By 12 midnight, I decided to go back home to have a rest for my flight tomorrow. Early morning, my aunt in Japan called asking my condition. Due to the outbreak of swine flu, security measures in the airport is very strict. I was lucky to be seated in a Business class, so the service is really good, thus help to ease my poor condition, after meal they serve ice cream for dessert, thinking it can help to lower my temperature, so I ate a lot. In Chubu Airport, the first airport procedure is the health check up, the line was really long, medical officials were really scrutinizing every passengers about their health issues. As I get closer, I am nervous at the same time my mind keeps on thinking what to do, if I were to say the truth about my condition or just lie, as I passed the ATC (Automatic Temperature Compensator), I am still wondering if it detected my fever, the officer just look at the paper that I submitted then say OK, whoosh! Thank God, I wasn't quarantine.

新型インフルウェんザ(Shin Gata Influenza) H1N1 swine flu is rising rapidly across Japan, making it the fourth-most infected country in the world, after Mexico, the United States and Canada.
Most of those infected are thought to be students in the Hyogo and Osaka prefectures in western Japan.

Experts believe the virus spread quickly between the two urban areas after high schools in Kobe and Osaka met for a volleyball tournament.

Kobe High School, along with nearly 1500 other schools in Hyogo, has now been closed, and several hundred more are closed in Osaka.

Japan has also established testing centres at airports, and is encouraging high risk groups to wash their hands frequently and wear masks.

Even in the sporting arena, steps have been taken to reduce the potential for infection.

At a national sumo wrestling competition in Tokyo on Sunday, officials sprayed disinfectant on the hands of every spectator as they arrived.

People routinely wear face masks on public transport to prevent the spread of coughs and colds.