Sunday, May 31, 2009

My cousin's sportsfest

運動会(Undoukai) - in English means sports festival. Elementary and High schools in Japan usually held their undoukai in the autumn. My cousin is currently in her last year in Elementary school, so she insisted for me to go to her undoukai and watch her performance. Though, It's not my first time to attend such event here in Japan, I am a bit hesitated to go because the festival starts so early, since I don't have work on that day I usually wake up late. Early morning, the day of undoukai though still in bed, I am aware about the preparations my family is doing. Japanese undoukai is like a family gathering too, you can bring a tent in school and have a picnic while the festival is on going. Around 10 am I receive a woke up call from my aunt asking me to come to the school and have my lunch in there. I was just in time for my cousins performance when I came to the school. I took a video of her performance after that I joined my aunt and her husband in their tent to eat and for some small talks. We continued to watch the festival's activities until it's over.
Here's my cousin's performance, sorry, its a bit shaky, blame it on my umbrella.

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