Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Arisa!!!

My cousin Arisa turned 11 this October 1. "Achang" as what we used to call her is always excited about her birthday, off course what I mean is birthday presents. A week before her birthday we went to Apita, a shopping mall near our house and she dragged me to the shopping mall's toys section, Achang showed me a Pokemon Nintendo DS software which cost around 4,980 yen, she asked me if I can buy it for her as a present, I told her I will think about it. When we came home Achang rushed to my room and gave me a letter convincing me to buy the software, wanting to know my answer she also put a YES or NO choices. I placed the letter near my calendar as a reminder. When I came home one night, upon entering the door instead of greeting me "okaeri nasai"(Welcome home) as what she always do, she run to me and said "Ate, you don't need to buy me Pokemon", I was surprised so I asked her why? Achang told me that their Obaachang (Grandmother) will meet them and she will buy the Pokemon and she added that I should buy her a new present, I nodded. Last Sunday, I got the chance to go to Nagoya and so I stopped at BIC Camera (a big electronic shop in Nagoya). I planned to buy her a DS software but I change my mind when I saw the game UNO Stacko, I remember playing it when I was a kid and found the game really exciting, so I decided to bought it as a present. When I came home Achang saw the present, though I intend to give the present on the day of her birthday I handed it to her but I told her to just open it on her Birthday. So excited, Achang can't wait to see what I bought for her and so she immediately open the present, after she unwrapped it she asked me how to play it, since her brother Ayumi know how to play it, they played till night. On the day of Achang's birthday, while eating breakfast, she announced about eating dinner on her favorite restaurant "The Red Lobster", I replied with a simple "OK" then greeted her a Happy Birthday! Since her Dad and Mom came home late, our plan of eating dinner at the restaurant was cancelled, instead her mom had a take home chicken, pizza, cake and a wine for kids. Before eating, her dad lit the candles and we all sang a Happy Birthday song, her dad opened the wine and pour it on our glasses...Kampai!!! Otanjoobi omedetoo gozaimasu!!!

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