Sunday, September 7, 2008

Jologs in Japan (My First Encounter)

On board a JAL flight the first time I came to Japan I was excited yet worried. My interest in Japan is due to my aunt`s influence. My aunt is an OFW (Overseas Filipino Worker) in Japan. Every time she returns back home, I always take a looked on her photo albums, fascinated with her pictures which where taken from Disneyland, Tokyo, Yokohama, Hokkaido and so on, and hearing her wonderful stories, I was urged to go to Japan. It was my first time to travel outside my country with only few Japanese words and phrases in my pocket and since it was my first time I was too shy that I might make myself look like a fool. Boarding the plane my mind is full of thoughts of what will I do, what will I say thing. JAL`s crew and majority of the passengers where Japanese. In English I asked one of the crew where 54K seat is, and I was thankful she understood me and pointed where it is located. I was happy that I`ll be sitting beside the window for I always wanted to see the view on top. Beside me, sitting is a Japanese guy and a bit later moved to a vacant seat. I felt so out casted, within the row I was sitting alone. Just to ease my boredom I requested for some reading materials, the crew handed to me a Japanese newspaper, browsing it, the more I felt stupid. I secretly laughed at myself, duh! how do I read these stuff? I asked myself, it was completely nonsense for me, so what I did is pretend that I was actually reading the newspaper. It was time for meals, an old attendant with his food cart came and started talking to me in Japanese, Duh! I was mentally blocked at that time and I completely can`t understand what he`s talking about, and so the easiest way to respond... is to nod my head and say hai! He then served me meals, which is a Japanese cuisine, then he continued talking, I listened keenly and recognized some words such as ocha (tea), kohi (coffee), koora (cola), juice, mizu (water), so I figured out that he`s asking what drink would I want, I replied "cola pls.". After finishing my meals, I put the tray on the table beside my seat, then I fell asleep. I was unconscious hearing some announcements from the crew since I can`t understand it, I just ignored them and kept on sleeping. We were close to take off when I woke up and found on my desk some documents to be fill out, one of the crew might put it while I was sleeping and might noticed that I am a foreigner because one of the documents is for non Japanese. Instead of filling out the forms I laid my eyes on the window though it was already dark I was fascinated on the view below. seeing the glowing lights from houses, buildings, Bridges, cars, Ferris wheel, boats and so on, I was overwhelmed with what I have been seeing that moment. Leaving the plane I still can`t take my eyes off the window as I continued to glance the view outside the plane. As I got off the plane I put my attention on my co passengers, since It was my first time I knew nothing. As I followed them for a long walk, that`s when I realized how big Chubu Airport compared to the one we have in the Philippines. I kept on following them even on doing step by step airport procedures. The good thing about the airport is that there are English captions on every signs. In front of an immigration officer I was nervous, the Japanese officer looks so strict, as she take a look on my passport she then at the same time was giving me a pierce look as she studied every part on my face. I felt so conscious and wants to melt down. I felt so relieved when I was cleared. Heading towards Customs Bureau I was hoping they will not inspect my baggage, the officer greeted me and threw me questions in English " Where are you from?", "What will you do in Japan?" with a smile I answered to his questions. It`s a good thing that the officer just let me passed without even inspecting my baggage. As I head off to the exit I was so excited, finally Japan.. here I come...

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