Sunday, September 21, 2008

Toyota Oiden Matsuri

The first festival I ever attended in Japan is the Toyota Oiden Matsuri. The word "OIDEN" means "come here" in the local dialect. It is held from the last Friday to Sunday in July every year. The first day and second day are "OIDEN-SO-ODORI" (all dancing OIDEN) day held in the central shopping district of Toyota City, just off of Meitetsu Toyota Line, Toyota Station. People wearing original costumes dance in the streets all day and they play the same song, in a cheerful melody the lyrics of the song goes something like this "OIDEN MIRIN, ODORO MAI!!" (Come on here!, Let's dance together!). On the last day, is the fireworks festival held on the bank of Yahagi River. An amazing fireworks display which includes 10,000 curtain of fireworks, and melody HANABI which are co-ordinated with music.

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