Sunday, August 2, 2009

Okazaki Summer Festival Part 1 2009

This year Okazaki`s biggest festival was held on July 31-August 1. Since it`s my first time to witness Okazaki`s summer festival, I manage to attend the festivities, despite the bad weather condition. The festivities start with the Yosakoi and the Gomangoku Odori dances and Gomangoku Mikoshi (portable shrine) parade. A lot of people dress in kimonos and colorful costumes and parade through the streets. Parade participants will march east along Tenma Dori. The Yosakoi dances started at 17:05 then followed by the Gomangoku Odori dances at 17:50; floats at 19:10 and Gomangoku Mikoshi parade at 19:20 and concluded with a Samba parade from 20:30. Aside from the parade, stage performances at Kagoda Park from 17:40 to 18:25 and again form 19:25 to 20:10 was held. We spent most of our time watching the performances in Kagoda park then shift to the parade to watch the samba performances. It`s a good thing that the rain never fell during the festivals activity.

The ceremonial opening parade

The orchestra at the portable shrine

The lanterns at the street

Again, the lanterns that lit the street

The parade performances

Again at the parade

The audience at the Kagoda park

The performers at Kagoda Park

This is the Samba performance:

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